Halfway through September and I am doing well with my step challenge (450,000 steps for September). By September15, I should have had 225,000 steps and I actually have 240,376 so I’m about one day ahead of my schedule. I’m good with that. Most days I do a bit more than the 15,000/day I need to meet the challenge and I’ve had two days where I fell a little short due to not feeling well and just being exhausted in general.
Speaking of that, in general I am feeling well. I still have days when I am tired and need more sleep or rest, but there hasn’t been another flare-up since the last one in August. I am keeping busy with work, walking, reading and the never ending housework and laundry. It feels like that’s all I can fit into my life right now.
I did another 5k walk last weekend, the Bang and Olufsen (B&O) 5k and had so much fun, as usual. I also did 45 second jogs 4 times during the race and I felt ok. It wasn’t my lungs or breathing that was the problem but the heaviness in my legs, but hopefully if I keep at it, I’ll be able to jog for longer and longer. Because of the little bouts of jogging, I had a really good time (for mostly walking) 50:51. There are some pics up at my events page.
This coming Saturday – September 21, I am doing another 5k walk along the same route that I did the Toronto Women’s 5k a few weeks ago so it will be interesting to see if I can beat my time of 52:54.
There’s really not much going on in my life and I’m sorry this post is a little boring…but sometimes NO news is GOOD news!