Feb 12, 2014

Diabetes Clinic - Visit 3

Today was my third visit to the Diabetes Clinic I am going to instead of Weight Watchers. It's basically to weigh in every week, check my blood pressure and get general weight loss/diabetes advice. The clinic also does weight loss surgery and the doctors there really, really push it.  There are a group of doctors and a group of educators and I don't always see the same ones. 

Last week I saw both an educator and a doctor who made me question if I even wanted to go back. They were both very condescending. The doctor actually told me that I had zero chance of getting to my goal weight and staying there, the only way would be with bariatric surgery.  I told her that I knew several people who had succeeded with diet and exercise and had kept weight off for over 5 years and some over 10 and she said they would eventually gain their weight back. I found her to be so discouraging and so negative that it took all my resolve to not get up and walk out. Today was to be my test of if I was going to stay with the program or not.

Today I saw the doctor that runs both clinics (he was the first doctor I met with) and he was wonderful. The first visit I told him I wasn't interested in bariatric surgery right now and he did tell me the risks and benefits and said if I changed my mind to let him know. He didn't mention it again today and he was pleased with my 4 lb loss in two weeks on my own (i.e. not following their program yet as I just received my caloric goals today).

Based on my lifestyle, age, RMR test and maybe the colour of the sky today, they want me to aim for 1500 calories a day based on 55% carbs, 25% protein and 20% fat.  

On my own the last two weeks I've been 1100-1300 calories, 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat so it's not far off. I haven't done anything drastic. The biggest change was cutting out diet pop and ensuring I avoid wheat and sugar.  He did want me to increase my calories by having 2 snacks a day but I am honestly not hungry when I eat this way. Unless I let sugar tempt me - I don't need to eat every 2-3 hours. Every 5-6 is fine. I will try and increase my meals a bit to get closer to 1500 and see how it goes, but I know from past experience, I lose better around 1200 calories average/day.

He said that as long as I keep losing and my bloodwork comes back ok, there's no reason to change what I've been doing.  Even the educator was so encouraging and helpful. Hopefully if I get last week's doctor again I can just clench my teeth and let her ramble and ignore her. 

It's an OHIP run clinic and program so I can't pick and choose which doctors I want to see for this program but I am guaranteed to see today's doctor at least once a month as he's the head of the program.

Today's doctor also said that getting to a goal weight is not his goal for me. It's to get to a weight that is healthy and sustainable for the rest of my life and he said that may be 10 - 15 lbs over my ideal weight but that is better than 70 lbs over my ideal weight if I can sustain it rather than get to 130 and then go back up to 200 in six months. He said the statistics are that most people regain their weight in within 5 years, with 75% gaining back all they lost and more, in the first 24 months. He was encouraging though that I didn't have to be one of those people and that he was determined that he do all he can to help me be the successful statistic.

They also have classes and seminars about nutrition and cooking which look interesting and I may go because I always believe that being informed is a good thing.

I mostly signed up for the program because I just can't afford Weight Watchers while I am unemployed and really I do best when I can weigh in each week, this has the added bonus of them monitoring my blood work and my meds as well so I don't need to go into Toronto every three months to see my endocrinologist unless there is a problem or a major change is needed. 

As well today was a beautiful day, weather wise. No wind!!! It was cold for sure, but no wind which makes a huge difference and bright blue skies and sunshine. I walked several blocks instead of waiting for the bus and then walked a few more just because it felt so good to be outside and not be chilled to the bone.

I think I'll do a weekly recap here on my blog just to keep track.

Keep in mind, the 'weeks' aren't always full weeks and sometimes are more than week.

Visit 1 - January 29 - Weight: 216.6  BP 120/78

Visit 2 - February 7 - Weight 215.2 BP 122/80

Visit 3 - February 12 - Weight 212.6 \BP - Not taken.

Visit 4 - Scheduled for Feb 19.

Oh if you're on MyFitnessPal, I'm downwardtrenz - friend me!!!


  1. Go girl! You are doing great, Enz, and the benefits to health can be even more important than the weight loss ones. When your doc says "no reason to change" what you've been doing I'd call that a major victory.
    As to last weeks' woman who thinks 'everyone' will regain lost weight unless they lose after bariatric surgery - all I can say is poppycock and balderdash as that is simply BS! Sounds to me like she's a) biased and b) maybe in the wrong profession!

  2. I hate those stats! Are they paid more for patients who have the surgery??? I would be surprised because it's an OHIP funded surgery, correct? People gain weight back with that surgery too! So, either way, we over eaters have to change us. Great job on your weight loss. I love that you never give up!

  3. Hi Enz, just dropping by to catch up. Good for you in rejecting bariatric surgery for now. I think you're smart to try and lose it on your own. You're doing a great job and you're losing. By losing the weight slowly, you'll be more successful at maintaining. I'm on myfitnesspal too so I'll look for you. Keep up the good work and do not give up. Keep pushing forward.

  4. Hi Enz, what an interesting post. I really hate those medical personnel who act like people can never lose weight and keep it off. I used to weigh 65 more pounds back in 2006, at my heaviest. I've gone up and down a bit during those 7 years, but I really did keep off a hunk of weight consistently. I did it with a diet, much like you describe for yourself. Plus, I just had a great big change of heart about how much I am supposed to eat each day. I eat about 700 less calories per day, most skipping *loads* of sweet snacks. Of course, it can be done. I like that Dr. who suggests to get to a doable weight for you. What wonderful advice, and probably an awesome guy in general. You are doing this!

  5. My own doctor wanted me to do weight loss surgery, and I wasn't even 200 lbs. Pissed me off, but I was too gutless to tell her so. I just said 'no, not happening.' she doesn't believe I'll keep it off. she 'gets' primal, but doesn't believe, I don't think, that it's sustainable. And even though I'm normal weight now, she still wants me on a statin. That ain't happening either. Within a couple of months, I'm going to see a Functional Medicine doctor, and if it goes well, drop kicking my regular MD to the curb. I need someone grounded in the 21st century, not someone paid off my pharmaceuticals. Wishing you continued good luck, but if you stay off sugar, wheat, and sodas (diet or otherwise), I don't think you'll need 'luck.' :)

  6. That clinic sounds like something I would like, without the condescending doctors of course. I have type 2 diabetes and am doing a horrible job at managing it. I need more direction.

    I can't believe that some of the doctors are telling you to have weight loss surgery! You aren't that heavy. I know at least 3 people that have had WLS and have gained a lot of their weight back. It is not a magic bullet! You are doing awesome! :)

  7. Good on you for going and congrats on r the weight loss! The advice sounds very hard to take. Hopefully you can continue to get the benefits from the program and ignore al the condescending negative advice.

  8. Hi Enz - have only just discovered your blog.

    My husband Eddie is a Type 2 diabetic and he has controlled his blood sugar for more than five years now by living a low carb, high fat, moderate protein lifestyle. At diagnosis he was overweight but this lifestyle helped with that too because his weight came down.He now has great control, good weight, his blood numbers are low and steady. His health care team are very pleased with him, but he achieved all this by not following their recommendations. He read of others that also followed this LCHF lifestyle. I think you are doing well so far and would urge you to continue. Please check out our website, read through our blog (it is quite a mix) ask questions. A great American dietitian Franziska Spritzler believes in a reduced carb lifestyle too. Our web site address is www.lowcarbdiabetic.co.uk/ Franziska The Low Carb Dietitian is www.lowcarbdietitian.com/‎

    I'm not a diabetic, nor do I have any underlying health problems, but I also live this lifestyle and it's good it suits me.

    Take Care, Keep on Doing what you're doing. In my opinion a reduction in sugars, carbs, is the right step to take.

    All the best Jan
