I have been so bloated and yucky feeling since before Christmas and all that bloat sits right at my waist! I can finally see my waist again. There’s still a long way to go but I can see the hour glass under the fat again instead of the fishbowl.
Weigh in today (April 30) was 201.5 lbs.
Friday night we hit a Bruce Trail side trail (3.3 km each way) which was fairly flat and wound through huge open fields. We saw a beautiful doe and cardinals and robins. It was still quite muddy but it was a wide, partially gravel trail so it was not a hike but really a walk.
I spent Saturday catching up on housework and laundry. My feet and thighs were sore and I was feeling very fatigued and achy as well so I made sure to hit my step goal but didn’t hike or walk. I am cautious not to trigger a fibro flare up but exercise definitely helps me feel better and less symptomatic over time. It was also a rainy and dreary day with no incentive to go outside.
Sunday was a glorious cusp-of-summer day. We checked another 5km off the Bruce Trail map (10 km round trip hike). It was another hilly, rocky trail full of tree roots and my friend slipped on some mud going up one of the hills and rolled part way down the escarpment. It was a scary moment, but she was unhurt (just a few bruises) and we laughed about it afterwards. Some of the drops along the hills were quite steep so I had to go down on my butt to scrabble down and coming up go on hands and knees. It was a lot of fun though. This is my favourite way to be outdoors.
We have this week's hikes/walks planned out and just need the weather to cooperate.
We have this week's hikes/walks planned out and just need the weather to cooperate.