May has been an up and down month.
Not just on the scale but in life in general.
I've been fighting a flu/cold since the first week and I get better for a few days then it hits full force again. The sinus headache and the cough is the worst as they keep me up at night and I am so tired I could sleep standing up at this point!
I think my overall loss for May was 3.7 lbs which is my smallest monthly loss to date. My average weekly loss is 1.25 lbs. It's still a downward trend but it's not great.
I am not sure what to expect next. I haven't been this weight in over 23 years (a longer post about that some other time).
May 30 was my company's AGM and part of the reason for having worked so many long hours in the last few weeks. It was a lovely evening and I wore a very 'out of my comfort zone' dress and I did feel a bit like Cinderella with all the compliments and attention. These are mostly people I had not seen since the last AGM a year ago and some people I work with but only see sporadically. It was a very surreal feeling to have people come over to me and say they didn't recognize me at first. I don't think I look that different. Smaller, yes. And I am sure the dress had a lot to do with it as I normally wear pants / blouses to work and my hair was down - it's usually up during the week or at least pushed back. When I get the photos from the photographer I will post some.
May 31 was Dennis' birthday and me and the boys spent the day together. We had lunch at a burger joint we used to go to as a family and that Den and I were at on it's opening day almost 30 years ago. I guess I haven't been since we lost him because the owner right away asked where he was and why we hadn't been in for so long. I felt bad for him because he felt so terrible when we told him that he gave us free lunch in his memory. It was a nice way to acknowledge his birthday and for me and the boys to have time to reminisce and laugh.
I am busy at work right up until mid - June then things drastically slow down until the end of August and I am so looking forward to the mental break! Funnily enough, I've been assigned a summer student assistant at the time of the year I need the least help! But it will give me a chance to catch up on all those things that never get done.
Next weekend (June 9-12) I am going to Wilkes-Barre PA to visit a high school friend and his wife. I try and go every year but the last time was Fall 2015 so it's been a while. I love road trips! It's about a 7 hour drive with stops and we go through the mountains so it's an absolutely gorgeous drive. I've never made the drive in the summer, only the Fall, so it will be so nice to see the difference of the seasons in the mountains. My friends are lovely lovely people but do not eat at home - EVER. So it will be a weekend of eating out. I am staying at a hotel this time which makes it a bit easier to at least control my breakfast and I can use the gym first thing in the morning. I'm hoping to get at least one long walk in over the weekend as they live near some nice trails and the rest of the time will be at an amusement park, garage sales, shopping, restaurants and sitting on their deck watching the sunset. Although it's a mini-vacation it will be anything but restful....but it will be so much fun.