Den is still in ICU but definitely on the road to recovery. He has come down with pneumonia which is being treated with antibiotics and tylenol for fever. His breathing is ragged because of that so he is on a breathing tube so he has been sedated since the surgery, but in terms of the aneurysm he is on the right road. There seems to be no neurological damage and he is responsive to the nurses' commands to move his limbs, eyes, head etc. The incision is healing well and the CT scans do not show any signs of bleeding or vasospasm.
One day at a time...
Tomorrow is back to work for me and school for the kids. There was literally no food in the house since Den normally does the groceries and I've not been home all week except to sleep. I think it will do the boys good to have some normalcy back in their life.
We'll have dinner at home each night then go to the hospital for an hour, luckily it is about a half hour drive from where we live so we can go every night.
So tomorrow, I am planning on eating "normally" for the first time in a week and getting back on track. I've gained back 2.5 lbs but I know I will lose it again.
Thank you for your notes of support and encouragement, it means alot.
Mar 22, 2009
Mar 19, 2009
Family Update
Just a quick update.
Last Sunday I had to take my husband, Dennis, to the Emerg and we discovered he had a brain aneurysm.
Today, he had surgery to clip the aneurysm and he is in stable condition. The next few weeks will be critical in his recovery but we are hopeful that he will make a full recovery as he has not suffered any neurological damage as a result of the surgery or the bleeding aneurysm.
As you can imagine ,the last few days have been trying and exhausting. This is the first night I am sleeping in my own bed since Saturday night and me and the boys are together in our home.
I know the last few days I have not eaten properly, nor enough and my blood sugar has probably been out of control. I am hoping now that Den is stable and on the road to recovery that I can recommit myself to my own health - especially in light of what we have just been through. The thought of putting my family through another health related crisis is strong motivation for me to get as healthy as possible.
Hug someone you love tonight because I now know that tomorrow isn't promised.
Last Sunday I had to take my husband, Dennis, to the Emerg and we discovered he had a brain aneurysm.
Today, he had surgery to clip the aneurysm and he is in stable condition. The next few weeks will be critical in his recovery but we are hopeful that he will make a full recovery as he has not suffered any neurological damage as a result of the surgery or the bleeding aneurysm.
As you can imagine ,the last few days have been trying and exhausting. This is the first night I am sleeping in my own bed since Saturday night and me and the boys are together in our home.
I know the last few days I have not eaten properly, nor enough and my blood sugar has probably been out of control. I am hoping now that Den is stable and on the road to recovery that I can recommit myself to my own health - especially in light of what we have just been through. The thought of putting my family through another health related crisis is strong motivation for me to get as healthy as possible.
Hug someone you love tonight because I now know that tomorrow isn't promised.
Mar 13, 2009
March 13 - Nothing in particular...
I am writing from work...I can't access my Weight Watchers site from here and I can't really spend too much time on the blog site. I really miss it. I can't believe how much help it was to log my journal every night and how helpful it was to read other blogs.
Not having a computer at home sucks!!! Hopefully by the end of the month I'll be in a position to buy a new one.
Anyway, hello to all of you and I am reading your blogs in bits and pieces when I can..but I am looking forward ot sitting down and "catching up" with all of you.
Not having a computer at home sucks!!! Hopefully by the end of the month I'll be in a position to buy a new one.
Anyway, hello to all of you and I am reading your blogs in bits and pieces when I can..but I am looking forward ot sitting down and "catching up" with all of you.
Mar 12, 2009
I got an award!

Rachael at Unconventional Fear gave me this award just for reading her blog and saying nice things :) I love her blog, she is practical and determined and gives me inspiration.
Thank you Rachael!
There are the rules that go along with accepting this award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate up to 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
I am now passing this award along to...Rachel at Journal of a Non-Dieter and to Heather at Weight Watcher Blog. I read both their blogs every day and I learn something new, laugh or relate every single time.
So..go check out these blogs and support these great women who have been so helpful to me.
Mar 9, 2009
March 10 - Update
I won't have a computer for a few days so I will MIA. Hopefully, I will be posting again by the end of the week. I will still be tracking and working towards my goal and I'm looking forward to reading all your posts when I get back!
Mar 8, 2009
March 8 - Daily Journal
Weight 229.8

Morning | ||||||
1 G.I. Diet Baked Beans | 3 | |||||
Subtotal | 3 | |||||
Midday | ||||||
14 item(s) potato chips | 4 | |||||
1 cup(s) roasted skinless chicken, chopped or diced | 6 | |||||
1/2 cup(s) mashed potatoes | 2 | |||||
1 large potato, baked | 3 | |||||
1/8 package(s) regular white cake dry mix | 6 | |||||
1 serving(s) ready-to-eat creamy chocolate frosting | 4 | |||||
1/2 cup(s) canned chicken gravy | 2.5 | |||||
1 cup(s) cooked carrots | 1 | |||||
1 cup(s) cooked frozen corn kernels | 2 | |||||
1/2 cup(s) ice cream | 4 | |||||
Subtotal | 34.5 | |||||
Evening | ||||||
1 serving(s) *1% Milk | 2 | |||||
1 serving(s) *WW Mint Bar | 1 | |||||
Subtotal | 3 | |||||
Anytime | ||||||
No entries for this meal time. | ||||||
Subtotal | 0 | |||||
Food POINTS values total used | 40.5 | |||||
Food POINTS values remaining | 0 | |||||
Exercise | ||||||
No entries for exercise. | ||||||
Activity POINTS values earned | 0 | |||||
Check off these important items daily: | ||||||
Notes 1115-8.4 1345-9.2 1616-11.3 2014-12.6 |
Mar 7, 2009
March 7 - Daily Journal
Weight: 230.2
It felt like I didn't stop eating today, yet I still have points left over.....I did get up late though so half the day was over by the time I even started!
Tomorrow is my "official" weigh would be so so so wonderful to be in the 220s!!!

It felt like I didn't stop eating today, yet I still have points left over.....I did get up late though so half the day was over by the time I even started!
Tomorrow is my "official" weigh would be so so so wonderful to be in the 220s!!!
Morning | ||||||
1/2 serving(s) Light Whole Wheat Bread* | 0 | |||||
1/8 cup(s) canned tomato sauce | 0 | |||||
1/8 cup(s) cooked zucchini | 0 | |||||
1 G.I. Diet Baked Beans | 3 | |||||
Subtotal | 3 | |||||
Midday | ||||||
1 item(s) 96% fat free whole wheat tortillas | 2 | |||||
1/8 cup(s) onion(s) | 0 | |||||
1 serving(s) Light Cheddar * | 2 | |||||
1/8 cup(s) celery | 0 | |||||
Subtotal | 4 | |||||
Evening | ||||||
1 item(s) refrigerated grilled chicken breast fillet | 3 | |||||
1/2 cup(s) cooked white rice | 2 | |||||
1/2 cup(s) sugar snap peas | 0.5 | |||||
Subtotal | 5.5 | |||||
Anytime | ||||||
1 serving(s) Becel Light* | 1 | |||||
1 serving(s) *1% Milk | 2 | |||||
1 serving(s) *WW Mint Bar | 1 | |||||
1 Fat Free, Sugar Free Instant Jello Pudding (Chocol | 2 | |||||
1 G.I. Orange Bran Muffins | 1 | |||||
Subtotal | 7 | |||||
Food POINTS values total used | 19.5 | |||||
Food POINTS values remaining | 8.5 | |||||
Exercise | ||||||
No entries for exercise. | ||||||
Activity POINTS values earned | 0 | |||||
Check off these important items daily: | ||||||
Notes 1108-7.4 1315-8.9 1606-7.7 2207-8.3 |
March 6 - 10 things I've learned.
1. I love food.
I love to cook. Seriously, I love to pore over recipes and look at pictures and then make some delicious new creation. Funnily enough, before I started to try and lose weight (this time) I wasn't cooking very much - alot of processed foods, alot of take out, alot of eating out. Now I am cooking every day and making delicious meals my whole family is enjoying (and hubby losing weight without even trying!). I've also come up with a few tricks to make it easier, I meal plan around the sale flyers on Friday night - so I'm also saving some money and not buying stuff that sits in the fridge going bad because I never get around to cooking it. I spend about an an hour-an hour and half on Sunday afternoon chopping/slicing/grating vegetables and cheese so when I need to throw my lunch together in the evening, it's easy to choose healthy foods and make a delicious lunch.
2. Eat well today.
I only need to focus on eating well today. I can meal plan for tomorrow but I have no idea what will happen or how I will feel. If I eat well today, it's one more day towards a longer life and a healthier, happier me.
3. The 80/20 rule.
In his book, The G.I. Diet, the author Rick Gallop talks about eating well 80% of the time. If we do that, we have 20% room to enjoy high calorie, non nutritional foods and to "slip up" without beating ourselves up and giving up. He advocates aiming for 80% perfection and the other 20% will take care of itself. I like this theory. There's 21 meals a week and 14 that means if I eat 17 healthy, nutritious meals a week, I can splurge a little on the other 4. Thats one meal every other day.
4. I am accountable only to me.
I am not doing this for the scale, for someone at WW meeting to write into a little book, for my family or my husband or my great doctors. I am doing this for me and only me. Only I can make the choice what food goes into my mouth and how often. No one can "make" me eat something I don't want to and no one can make me stay on track. Only me. If I choose to eat chocolate cake for dinner - it's my choice and I will deal with the consequences. But I must never forget I always have a choice and it's mine alone.
5. Support helps.
It helps to read blogs of other women going thru the same journey. Maybe along a different path, but with the same goal in sight. It helps to know I'm not alone, and it's humbling to know I'm not the only one with these problems. Books and articles on nutrition and healthy eating reaffirm and give me confidence that I'm heading in the right direction.
6. I can't do everything all the time.
Sometimes, there are not enough hours in the day. Sometimes, some things are not going to get done. It's ok to let the dishes sit in the sink over night, it's ok to eat a prepared, portion controlled frozen dinner rather than eat half a pizza because I'm too tired to cook. It's ok to have yogurt and fruit for lunch.
7. Food is fuel for the body and a pleasure.
Knowing the difference is the key. I am not eating ice cream because I'm hungry - but because I love the taste and the texture. And that's ok. When I need to eat to fuel my body, I have to remember to choose healthy, fuel efficient foods that will make me strong and healthy.
8. I hate oatmeal.
Yes I do. I know its heart healthy, I know its good for me. I hate the texture, I hate the way it feels going down my throat, I hate the way it looks in the bowl. I've tried instant, slow cooking , quick cooking, rolled oats, steel cut oats, flavoured and plain. I still hate it. I eat once or twice a week because I know its good for me and its a quick easy breakfast. But I do not enjoy it, not one bit!
9. This is never going to end.
Even when I get to my goal weight, I am going to have to watch what I eat. I am going to have to think carefully about food, I am going to have to monitor my weight. This is for the rest of my life. I won't wake up one day at 135lbs and suddenly say, "Hey I can eat a whole pizza again".
10. It's not all about me.
I don't live in a bubble. I live with a husband and two, healthy, growing boys. I come from a family and heritage that uses food as a comfort, a social activity and way of showing love. None of these things are going to change. All I can change is how I react and behave in situations. The 80/20 rule will help alot with this one. If I go to someone's home for dinner and they have made fried veal parmigiana, smothered in cheese and fried mushrooms and homemade, high fat pasta because they are having guests - I will eat a moderate portion and enjoy it. I will not resent my host/hostess for serving food "I can't eat", and I will not only eat salad (which will be covered in olive oil anyway!).
When its a birthday, I will have a moderate slice of cake and enjoy it and send best wishes and love to the birthday-recipient.
I will enjoythe food and the company and most of all, be grateful, that I have people in my life that I can share meals with.
I love to cook. Seriously, I love to pore over recipes and look at pictures and then make some delicious new creation. Funnily enough, before I started to try and lose weight (this time) I wasn't cooking very much - alot of processed foods, alot of take out, alot of eating out. Now I am cooking every day and making delicious meals my whole family is enjoying (and hubby losing weight without even trying!). I've also come up with a few tricks to make it easier, I meal plan around the sale flyers on Friday night - so I'm also saving some money and not buying stuff that sits in the fridge going bad because I never get around to cooking it. I spend about an an hour-an hour and half on Sunday afternoon chopping/slicing/grating vegetables and cheese so when I need to throw my lunch together in the evening, it's easy to choose healthy foods and make a delicious lunch.
2. Eat well today.
I only need to focus on eating well today. I can meal plan for tomorrow but I have no idea what will happen or how I will feel. If I eat well today, it's one more day towards a longer life and a healthier, happier me.
3. The 80/20 rule.
In his book, The G.I. Diet, the author Rick Gallop talks about eating well 80% of the time. If we do that, we have 20% room to enjoy high calorie, non nutritional foods and to "slip up" without beating ourselves up and giving up. He advocates aiming for 80% perfection and the other 20% will take care of itself. I like this theory. There's 21 meals a week and 14 that means if I eat 17 healthy, nutritious meals a week, I can splurge a little on the other 4. Thats one meal every other day.
4. I am accountable only to me.
I am not doing this for the scale, for someone at WW meeting to write into a little book, for my family or my husband or my great doctors. I am doing this for me and only me. Only I can make the choice what food goes into my mouth and how often. No one can "make" me eat something I don't want to and no one can make me stay on track. Only me. If I choose to eat chocolate cake for dinner - it's my choice and I will deal with the consequences. But I must never forget I always have a choice and it's mine alone.
5. Support helps.
It helps to read blogs of other women going thru the same journey. Maybe along a different path, but with the same goal in sight. It helps to know I'm not alone, and it's humbling to know I'm not the only one with these problems. Books and articles on nutrition and healthy eating reaffirm and give me confidence that I'm heading in the right direction.
6. I can't do everything all the time.
Sometimes, there are not enough hours in the day. Sometimes, some things are not going to get done. It's ok to let the dishes sit in the sink over night, it's ok to eat a prepared, portion controlled frozen dinner rather than eat half a pizza because I'm too tired to cook. It's ok to have yogurt and fruit for lunch.
7. Food is fuel for the body and a pleasure.
Knowing the difference is the key. I am not eating ice cream because I'm hungry - but because I love the taste and the texture. And that's ok. When I need to eat to fuel my body, I have to remember to choose healthy, fuel efficient foods that will make me strong and healthy.
8. I hate oatmeal.
Yes I do. I know its heart healthy, I know its good for me. I hate the texture, I hate the way it feels going down my throat, I hate the way it looks in the bowl. I've tried instant, slow cooking , quick cooking, rolled oats, steel cut oats, flavoured and plain. I still hate it. I eat once or twice a week because I know its good for me and its a quick easy breakfast. But I do not enjoy it, not one bit!
9. This is never going to end.
Even when I get to my goal weight, I am going to have to watch what I eat. I am going to have to think carefully about food, I am going to have to monitor my weight. This is for the rest of my life. I won't wake up one day at 135lbs and suddenly say, "Hey I can eat a whole pizza again".
10. It's not all about me.
I don't live in a bubble. I live with a husband and two, healthy, growing boys. I come from a family and heritage that uses food as a comfort, a social activity and way of showing love. None of these things are going to change. All I can change is how I react and behave in situations. The 80/20 rule will help alot with this one. If I go to someone's home for dinner and they have made fried veal parmigiana, smothered in cheese and fried mushrooms and homemade, high fat pasta because they are having guests - I will eat a moderate portion and enjoy it. I will not resent my host/hostess for serving food "I can't eat", and I will not only eat salad (which will be covered in olive oil anyway!).
When its a birthday, I will have a moderate slice of cake and enjoy it and send best wishes and love to the birthday-recipient.
I will enjoythe food and the company and most of all, be grateful, that I have people in my life that I can share meals with.
March 6 - Daily Journal
Wt: 230.8
Morning | ||||||
1 serving(s) Light Whole Wheat Bread* | 1 | |||||
1 tbsp reduced-fat peanut butter | 2 | |||||
1 tbsp Over 50% Fruit Spread No Sugar Added Strawberry Jam | 0 | |||||
Subtotal | 3 | |||||
Midday | ||||||
1 cup(s) cooked green beans | 0 | |||||
1/2 item(s) hamburger bun(s) | 1.5 | |||||
1/2 slice(s) monterey cheese | 1.5 | |||||
1 item(s) fast-food hamburger, small | 6 | |||||
Subtotal | 9 | |||||
Evening | ||||||
2 cup(s) cooked zucchini | 0.5 | |||||
1/2 cup(s) sugar snap peas | 0.5 | |||||
2 tsp olive oil | 2.5 | |||||
1 serving(s) Blue Menu 9-Vegetable Patty | 3 | |||||
1 tbsp fat-free sour cream | 0 | |||||
7 item(s) 12 grain Melba Rounds | 1 | |||||
Subtotal | 7.5 | |||||
Anytime | ||||||
Praeventia snack bar - Quick-added food | 1.5 | |||||
PEP (Chocolate Mint Patty) - Quick-added food | 4 | |||||
Subtotal | 5.5 | |||||
Food POINTS values total used | 25 | |||||
Food POINTS values remaining | 3 | |||||
Exercise | ||||||
No entries for exercise. | ||||||
Activity POINTS values earned | 0 | |||||
Check off these important items daily: | ||||||
Notes Weight - 230.8 0824-8.8 1041-10.6 1229-8.0 1519-10.9 1729-8.0 2106-8.9 |
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