Blogger tells me this is my 500th post. I feel like I should write something auspicious or serious or interesting or inspiring or…….something other than a normal weekly update.
But as I thought about that more and more, I thought 500 is just a number and not any more special than any other number. It’s not like the posts that come after this or the 499 before this are any less important.
And then…I’m so brilliant I amaze myself sometimes 
Isn’t that just like weight loss. We work really hard to get a certain number and when we start to struggle we are so quick to dismiss all the work that went into the numbers to date. When we do reach that magic number, we seem to forget that all the days coming after are just important as the ones that went before, in many ways even more so because regaining weight is so much easier than losing.
I’ve been really focusing on one day at a time lately and trying to make sure each day is 100% effort. Notice I didn’t say 100% perfect. Every day I have to put in the 100% effort to get the results I want. You do a half assed job, you get half assed results….(see now I’m thinking but half my ass (size) is exactly what I do want….maybe that’s not a good analogy…) Anyway you get my point.
Every day is important. Every day has to count.
So on that note, my weigh in this week was 197.4 which means I’ve basically been maintaining for the last 4 weeks.
I am pretty sure I need to lower my carb intake back to under 50 to see any more movement on the scale. The difficulty I have is that I just don’t like meat, never have and probably never will. I don’t like the texture of any meat. I can manage to eat 3-4 meat meals a week because I’ve forced myself to do so for so many years, but any more than that I honestly feel like I’m going to gag and I feel like it’s lead sitting in my stomach. Somehow I have to move past that. I don’t know how yet.
My calories are around 1200-1300 a day and I drink about 120 oz of water a day plus other fluids. I exercise for at least 30 minutes, 6 days a week. So..I need to change some stuff up.
In other news, I’m having some car issues and although I had a short term plan to get rid of my car to save expenses for about year, I hadn’t planned to get rid of it TODAY and am not really prepared for managing without it right now, so I’m in a quandary. Fix it and keep it for a while longer or write it off and put my future plan into the present tense and deal with it?
As of right now, it is not drivable so I need to come up with a plan pretty quick.
Mostly I want thank you all for giving me the inspiration and motivation for sticking it out for 500 posts. My very first follower was Rachael at Scientific Nature of the Whammy. For a very, very long time, she was the only one that commented and cheered me on and I have to say Thank You because without her I don’t think I would have continued. Along the way, 500 posts and over three years later, I have come to appreciate you all and get to know some of you as more than anonymous faces on my screen. This is the best part of blogging!
Our run Friday night was good. Not “wings on my feet” amazing, but good. It was very challenging and we did 4 sets of 6/1 for the first time, we did a longer loop of a route we’ve done before and the new part of the route was uphill so it definitely worked some muscles.