I've been at this a year. I had no idea where I'd be after a year, or if I'd even still be at it. So....the fact that I am chugging along despite challenges and set backs and little progress the last few months is pretty significant.
There's no choice but to keep going.
I missed last week's weigh in because of work obligations and I have not been to a meeting in several weeks. That needs to change. I need to get to a meeting once a week - it's one hour of my life so I need to make that work.
I am not feeling out of control but I am feeling like I have stopped making WW and weight loss a priorty. It has to be the number 1 priority because it affects so many other things; my mood, my health (which in itself is a long list!), my energy, my sleep, my ability to juggle all the other priorities without going batshit crazy.
I didn't have my book with me this week, so they just updated my file electronically. Saturday's weight was 191.2.
Looking at this, it feels a bit like the last 6 months have been a complete waste. I'm having internal dialogues that are not kind so I need to step back and step up.