May 1, 2013

Mayday or is that May Day?

Woohoo, May is here and so is Spring!!!

Today, I had an appointment in Toronto and when I left the hospital to walk back to the subway, I took a wrong turn (ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I could get lost in my own bathroom) and ended up going down a residential street that had many many many blooming lilac trees. White lilacs and lilac lilacs. The scent was like heaven. I walked slowly and enjoyed the bright sunshine and the cool breeze that was bringing me the lilacs along with me. I love lilacs. When I was 18-21 I used to share a house with three other girls, and my bedroom had a lilac tree right outside. For about 4 weeks every year my whole bedroom would smell of lilacs, even my pillow and comforter. It was wonderful. I am always transported back to those years whenever I smell lilacs, they have such a short bloom period.

In other news, I walked about 3k today (mostly because of that wrong turn) and I felt ok! I had a good conversation with my rheumatologist and my chiropractor about my concerns and they answered all my questions and my mind is easier.

Almost every day I get emails offering me free “stuff” to review on my blog. I’m not sure why because I have very few followers and I  don’t “advertise” my blog anywhere, it’s not connected to my FB account and I don’t use Twitter and I am hardly a weight loss or fitness success story.  I don’t monetize my blog.

I always  say no thank you to the diet pills, shakes, drugs and gadgets, but I always,  always say yes to books and if it is a different version of something I already use.

I have 3 books waiting to be reviewed with two more on the way and I am also getting a yoga block in a few weeks. I don’t do give-aways as I am not interested in drumming up blog traffic for one post. I blog for me and if I can share some information that’s useful to others, that’s a bonus.

So…I will try and get to the reviews early next week. Stay tuned!


  1. Lilacs are my absolute favourite flower. I have a huge tree in my backyard but it is still a few weeks away from blooming.

  2. Hi Enz! I love lilacs too. They smell heavenly.

    No more "mayday" for you this month. Only happy May Day! :D

    Yoga block: I remember using one for the entire first year of yoga.

    :-) Marion

  3. Lilacs are beautiful...I didn't know you were in Canada, I've always wanted to go there...
    Happy May Day! x

  4. We're in Autumn (we don't call it Fall here). And that means we're heading into winter. Which I'm looking forward to.

  5. I love lilacs, and they were my mother's favorite flower. They don't bloom until June around here, and the last few weeks of school when I was growing up, all the kids lucky enough to have lilac bushes in their yards would bring in bouquets for the teachers. When I bought this house, the plan was for my mother to come and live with us in the first floor bedroom. She died before that happened, but I planted a lilac bush outside the bedroom windows (it's my bedroom now) so we get the scent in the first weeks of summer.
