Feb 12, 2012

Spring Chick Challenge–Week 6 Recap

downwardtrenzheader-1 Weigh in this week – 204.3 which is 2.5 down. Total down for the challenge is 9.5.
image My eye continues to heal. Some days are better than others, but overall, it’s getting better and better.
image My new way of eating this week was following a metabolic diet which is very low carb. Although I’ve been low-processed-carbs for several years, I realised I was still eating too many natural carbs – fruit, brown rice, oatmeal, root vegetables and decided to try something different. My biggest challenge was replacing the carb calories with protein calories so I wouldn’t be hungry. For a non-carnivore, this was hard…but I’m getting there! The  diet is very close to Atkins Phase 1.

I’ll write more about it  and how I”m making it work for me, in a separate post.
i-love-running That’s my joke for the day!

The weather is not cooperating with me and I am not cooperating with myself by pushing myself to the treadmill.

Between my eye and the “just not feeling like it” mood this week, exercise was non existent.

This is a good tip – I’ve been doing this for years, it also makes you very conscious of when you go for seconds so you have a better idea of how much you’re actually eating. So I’ll keep doing this!

My goals for this week are pretty much the same:

  • Stick to the metabolic diet for another week before going to Phase 2
  • Exercise
  • Water, water, water, water
  • Check in with my SCC buddy once a day
  • Read blogs and be supportive

I had all kinds of plans for today but woke up with a sinus cold and was coughing most of the night so I cancelled everything in favour of sleeping in, which did help a little. I am going to go back to bed for a few hours before my eldest son comes home and I have to start the food/work/school prep stuff for the week ahead. I swear the clocks from Friday night to Sunday night go at double time…do you ever feel that way?

I need to review my goals from the beginning of the challenge and see where I am at half way point – but not today.


  1. 2.5 pounds is an awesome week...and so close to onederland...get ready to celebrate!

  2. You're creeping in on onederland Enz, how cool is that! 2.5 is fantastic, I'm so happy for youuu! :D

  3. 9.5 down is awesome. Great work and really good record keeping too!

  4. Congrats on the loss! I look fwd to you sharing mmre about the metabolic diet.

  5. Hi Buddy, 9.5 lbs is fantastic! Happy to hear your eye is on the mend.
    We're going to do awesome this week!!!

  6. Excellent! You're going to slam into onederland very soon. :)

  7. 2.5 pounds is totally kick butt. I am glad your eye is healing. I need to get more small plates. I love eating with a small forks so that part would be easy. I see a spring with you in onderland in the very near future. Have great week...

  8. This Onederland sounds awesome! Looking forward to the post when you get there!

  9. Glad to hear that your eye is healing! I have been using the smaller plates too and it really does help. You're doing great!

  10. YOU are so much my hero!
    Now, will you be my Valentine?
    No candy, just cheers!
    So glad you are on the up and up!

  11. 2.5 down is awesome!!! Keep it up you are doing great!!

  12. ENZ! Dang. You are awesome. Just know that I'm smiling. I ran on my own today for the first time in about a month, inspired by you :) don't stress about this week, obv. your clean eating has done the trick for you. I'm really looking forward to reading your post on your diet. I'm loving paleo and how it's making me feel but I'm going away this summer and I definitely won't be able to sustain it so I think what you're doing is really interesting and something I might try. Paleo forever seems a little unsustainable anyways so if I follow your way, then when I do have the carbs I'm not having now I'll at least know I'm having the RIGHT ones. Keep up the good work and excellent loss! xx

  13. You are doing well with the losses! Glad your eye continues to heal. Interesting diet...kind of sounds like mine. Looking forward to your post about it!

    Hope you are feeling better and that time is slowing down for you this weekend!
