Jul 29, 2012

I can see the difference….can you see the difference?

Enz photo (8)

April 29 2012

July 29 2012

photo (9) image

This is the shirt I got for The Chocolate Race on April 29, 2012.

The left side is the day I got it, the right side is today. The scale doesn’t always tell the whole truth my friends.

The tee shirt is much looser today and there is less of my “bubbly tummy” showing through the thin fabric! It is also looser around my arms, the sleeves were really tight before and would ride up. And I think my collarbones are little more pronounced.


  1. Easy to see the difference!

  2. Omg Enz, you look fantastic!! I can totally see a difference.

    I just read your last post, as well. It is truly inspiring that you're not giving up, with everything that's going on. Job hunting really IS like having a full-time job. Hugs! I hope everything works itself out soon.

  3. YOU LOOK GREAT! I can definitely see the difference. I love using clothes as a gauge of my progress too. congratulations with all your hard work! It REALLY shows.

  4. I can totally see a difference -- wow! Whatever you're doing must be working. :D

  5. I definitely see the difference! You look great!!

  6. Must agree the way clothes fit is the a very good indicator of doing the right things.

    When I'm trying to lose weight and get fitter I often buy things that are a little tight and use for motivation.

  7. Your arms and hips look noticably smaller don't you think?

  8. You're looking fabulous, what you're doing is clearly working.

    I hope all is well on the job and apartment hunt!


  9. I can see the difference. A

  10. There's a big difference! Especially round your tummy area, you look much flatter in the recent photos, and your arms! (I notice these things lol) Amazing work hun! x

  11. You look great! Keep up the good work!

  12. Lookin' good, lady! Lookin' good!

    I've got about 55 more to lose, too. Let's rock this thing!
