Oct 4, 2012

Downward Mood

I don't know what is wrong with me today,  I feel like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and couldn't shake the "blach" feeling all day. I had some plans that fell through that just furthered the sucky mood. It was a glorious day and I pretty much wasted it inside puttering around and doing little chores here and there.

It's Thanksgiving this Monday and also would have been my 24th wedding anniversary (we've been separated for 2 1/2 years) and I think that makes me both sad and mad. I'm not going to explain it - some of you will get it...if not....I'm not in the mood to explain or analyse my feelings today.

I have a bunch of stuff to do tomorrow, get groceries (since I didn't make it out today), pick up prescriptions, take in dry cleaning, do laundry and hopefully meet someone for a run - although I will probably only run half as far as he does in the same amount of time.

I have to get bloodwork done on Tuesday for my endocrinologist appointment on Thursday and it will be interesting to see the numbers.

Whole 30 Day 2 - October 4

B - whey isolate protein shake with light coconut milk, ice cubes

L - apple and 1 tbsp almond cashew butter (this stuff is seriously good - I bought it during my last Whole30 and had to hide it from myself at the back of the fridge - just refound it)

D - oven baked chicken breast, salsa, sauteed spinach


  1. Hang in there & know that there are people out here who care about you.

  2. Sorry you're down. We gonna make time for a coffee this weekend? Text me:)

  3. Hope you are feeling better!
