Sep 27, 2016

Riding the high tide

Week 2 is almost in the bag. Weigh in day is Thursday. Week 2 went fairly well.

I had a not so great eating day on Saturday and used about half my weekly points on top of my regular points for the day just snacking throughout the day rather than eating real meals which is always my downfall on the weekend because I have no real schedule.  I managed to reign it in on Sunday and have stayed right on points or  2-3 points below my daily points since then so I’m hoping it all balances out.  Either way it was a reminder that complacency NEVER works with weight loss. It is constant diligence and persistence and consistency that win.  

Yes, I know this in my head…in practice not so much! 

The snacking was not terrible food, but it wasn’t necessary and by the end of the day I had eaten more food than I would have if I had just stuck to three meals.  That’s my challenge to work on going forward.

I am not expecting another big loss like last week and I have to learn to accept small losses and not get discouraged or lose motivation.  I remember my endocrinologist telling me years ago that if I lost on average, 1 lb, a week, in two years I’d be at goal and that was way, way longer than two years ago!  

Some lessons take a long time to sink in apparently.

I am loving this Fall weather after the heatwave we had through all of August.  I am loving walking again and am looking forward to the very short season of Fall colours that have already started.  Its amazing how once you get out of a habit it feels like a chore and then when you get back into it, you can’t remember why you ever stopped doing something you loved so much.   

As you might guess, I seem to be in a really good place right now and to be truthful I am.  A lot in my life is right.  I have a great job that is just challenging enough to keep me interested but no real stress; financially stable and no debt; my boys have grown into great young men that I love to spend time with and have adult conversations with; and I have a lot of time to myself to read, walk, hike – do whatever I want.  Sometimes I do get a bit lonely and I do have days where everything seems to remind me of Den and I am very sad but those days are fewer than they were a few months ago so I feel like I’ve turned a corner on that grief.

But I know this feeling won't last forever so I'm making the most of it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Enz,
    It is so good to hear that you are doing well and I hope your 'good place' is where you will continue to be.
    Hugs from the UK,
