Jun 12, 2012

Shin Splints

Source: footbalance.com

After two weeks of awesome runs, I’ve had two runs in a row in complete agony from shin splints. So painful that I had to stop running and even walking was extremely painful.
Now this happened about 2 months ago and lasted about a month and then disappeared but now is back. I wish I could figure out what the underlying cause is. The first time around, I changed shoes, I walked more before the run, I made sure I was hydrated and this time around I am still doing those things.  I’m going to give it another week and if I can’t figure it out I’ll have to seek professional help. During the time that I did not have shin splints I was running 6/7 days, some long easy runs, some short more challenging and even a bit of sprinting here and there. This past week – before the shin splints started again, I only ran twice and the rest of the week had walked about 4-5 k every other day, so I’m wondering if they became tight because I wasn't running as often?
Anyway, last night I iced and massaged and I stretched this morning and am still feeling a dull ache so that’s a bit worrying. I don’t run again until tomorrow evening. I’ll keep you posted!


  1. Check this out; helped me a lot when I experienced shin pains when I began running -


  2. Ouch, thats terrible Enz. Hope you find what the problem is soon!! <3

  3. Ouch, ouch, ouch! Not pleasant at all. Hope you feel better quickly and figure out the cause. Hope your week is going well Enz!!! Hugs!

  4. Oooh - so sorry, Enz. I've had shin splints and they can really slow you down. I got them when I went from running on a track to running on ashpault. Hope they heal fast.

  5. Hey Enz, a friend of mine had shin splints and it was caused by her running shoes. Hopefully you get to the bottom of it and ache goes away.

  6. So sorry, Enz! They can really hurt. I had them once, and they were caused by my shoes. Hope this resolves for you.

  7. Don't push yourself too hard. You'll only injure yourself worse.
