Mar 2, 2020

Happy Low-Carb-aversary to me!

I started following a very low-carb diet March 3rd, 2019. I just woke up that morning; fed up of feeling sick and tired and decided to do something different  So I did.  Something just flipped in my brain and I started that morning and have not looked back.

I have not been 100% low carb every single day.  I aim for 30g of carbs or less each day and I hit that 95% of the time. There's a day here or there that I hit 45-50g of carbs usually because of portion size, not ingredients.

Then if I think something is worth it - like homemade cake or pasta or pizza on a special occasion - I will splurge for that one item for one meal, which will send that day's carbs up to about 100-120g.  Those days are few and far between and I find the longer I eat this way, the less things that are "worth it".

The only thing I truly miss is pizza. I have tried quite a few low carb substitutions but nothing beats the crunch of a wheat crust so I pretty much have given up on that and don't bother with the substitutions as they just make me want the real thing even more!

Every 3 months or so, I'll go to a pizza place where they make the dough on site and order one slice and cut in half. I'll eat half and put the other half in the freezer to eat 6-8 weeks later.  That small slice has not yet affected my body in the way other carbs do, especially sugar. The few times I do indulge in sugar or pasta or rice or bread,  the next day I wake up achey, brain-foggy and generally feeling "off".  I guess the pizza slice is small enough that it doesn't do that.

Weight wise, I am holding steady at 183-186. I have been at a stall for about 6 months so I obviously need to change something to get better results.

On a regular basis (except for those exceptions above), I eat lean meat, healthy fats and vegetables and have a processed low carb/sugar free bar/treat 1-2 x a week.  I don't eat wheat, rice or processed sugar or the starchy vegetables.

Looking at my daily macros, I could probably go to a full keto diet of  20g of carbs a day as most days I'm between 22-26g.    I haven't officially decided on my next plan of action though.

Good news, my A1C without medication has been 6.0-6.3 which is considered pre-diabetic so there is still some improvement I can make there.  I don't exercise as much in the Winter as I do the other seasons so that definitely has affect on my blood sugar these months, and I see it mostly in my fasting numbers which are higher than they were when I was hiking 3-4 x a week.

A few weeks ago I bought a used treadmill and have been doing 30 min every other day.  I should bump that up to every day as it's just light walking and the days I do it, I do notice a reduction in my fasting blood sugar the next day - so it works!


  1. Yay, so happy for your A1C numbers. My husband is type 1 and I know the struggle.

    Pizza is so hard to give up, isn't it?

  2. Every time I think I’ve hit my own “rock bottom”, I’ll find some excuse not to toe the line...
    It’s as if I have to keep proving to myself over & over & OVER again what DOESN’T work for me: the fast food, the chips, too many handfuls of nuts...
    No more binges, thank God! but just enough to keep me stalled out in my weight loss.
    Congrats to you BTW - I’ve followed you for quite some time but rarely comment.

  3. Hey! How’s it going? I’m glad the election is over here... Jealous that you live in stability and hence low COVID versus being led by a crazy man who doesn’t believe in science and won’t admit that he lost! Meh... Are you ready for winter, low light... Are you hiking? Did you get a dog...yet? Hope you are well!!! Tag!

  4. Just visiting some old bloggies I used to read and ran into yours. The comment above by Lynne totally made me laugh.

    I hope all is well!!!!!

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