Apr 18, 2010

Give me sleep or give me....

not sure what.

I am fighting sleep today.

I didn't get up until almost 10:30 and I really, really, really had to pull myself out my warm, comfy bed.  I pulled on workout clothes and did Level 1 of The 30 Day Shred and then 1 hour of yoga. After being tortured by Jillian the workout, the yoga felt really good and the stretching helped to wake me up.  It wasn't easy though, I was sweating through the yoga poses and some of them I can't quite do yet.  Quick breakfast of cereal with Almond Breenze, then a hot and sweaty me hit the bath. I am sure I fell asleep for a moment as I soaked in the hot water scented with Bath and Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom.

Then...out of the bath, dried off and started to read for a bit, I caught myself several times nodding off so I finally gave up and pulled the comforter over me and closed my eyes.

3 hours later I woke up feeling refreshed and alert...but so hungry!!

Quick lunch of Thomas' bagel thin, tomato and cheese and a cup of coffee and I feel like I can take on the day...um..yeah...at 4 o'clock!  The only thing on today's agenda at this point is to drive my son's girlfriend back to Milton, do a load of laundry and get in a walk. I may try to stay up a bit later to make sure I sleep through the night.

Dinner is going to be easy and quick as well, some grilled haddock and oven roasted vegetables. 

Hope you are all having a great weekend.

Oh, just to clarify regarding a comment Matt left on yesterday's post about The End of Overeating, the author doesn't say to NEVER eat out - that was my generalized take on his message.  I don't subscribe to the deprive yourself of everything school of weight loss and I don't think I could make it through my entire life never eating out again. I think the problem, for me personally, is that I don't use eating out as a substitute for a meal I would eat at home - I use it as an "event" and eat foods and quantities of foods that  I would not eat at home. Events are ok, once in a while, but when it's once a week, that one meal can undo all the calories I've saved all week and leave me feeling bloated, heavy and mad at myself - so it's just not worth it to me anymore.  I still go out, of course I do, it's a social thing too, right? But I now try to think of it as a meal and not an event - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


  1. You know, I think spring is just plain hard on the body ! Sure, the temps are warmer, the sun is bright and the trees and flowers are blooming, but all this new life is kind of like becoming a new parent- wonderful but EXHAUSTING !!!

  2. I definitely treat eating out as an "event," too - it's like I think it's my last opportunity to ever have french fries!

  3. You got a lot of rest and did a lot of exercise. Sounds like a great day!

  4. Ok, thanks for the clarification, that sounds more reasonable than the sort of thing I was afraid it might be.

    On the anonymous drama you asked me about, link is below. I highly recommend following Lisa's blog, she almost always gives me a laugh when I read her posts.


  5. Isn't Yoga wonderful!! Wow you are eating awesome - I am going to keep stealing your vibes -- I want to grow up just like you!!!

  6. You are eating awesome! Good job, on your weight loss so far :) Love your blog!!!

  7. Hope all is well Enz! Miss you!

  8. must...have...sleep....
    I know the feeling!
    Sleeping through the night is the thing, eh?
