Aug 8, 2016


Where does the time go?

This weekend flew by. I was out most of the day Saturday with a friend. We drove out of town to a small beach and walked a bit, then had lunch in a new pub and went to some bazaars/garage sales. It was a gorgeous day to be out and about. Not too hot, but lots of sunshine and blue skies.

Sunday was mostly housework and prep for the week ahead. Sunday was a bad eating day for me. I was very stressed and did a lot of emotional eating. I am back on track today though with my protein shake for breakfast and no wheat/sugar in sight. One day at a time. Repeat.

Weight this morning was 229.1 which is where I've been hovering the last week (228.5-229.5) so  I think I need to look at my calories and see where I can make some cuts.  Not eating wheat and sugar is great but I still need to be mindful of overall calories.

I'll keep you posted!

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