Dec 5, 2009

Saturday Sundown


I went out at 10:45 this morning and only just got back half an hour ago. I just want to curl up and go to bed.  Can't though.

I am going to read the Beck Day 5 chapter and will post about it in the a.m.  Then I am off to bed.

Quick recap of today.

Three things I did to work towards my healthy lifestyle/weight loss goal:

1. Ate breakfast.
2. Only ate sitting down.
3. Parked in the furthest spot from the mall to get in a little more exercise.

I also read my cards 3 x today.


  1. some times are body just screams for a break! hope you are able to rest a little.

  2. Sounds like you had a great day-love your list :)

  3. Hi there. Found you from your comment on Prior Fat Girl's blog. Wow, looks like you've made some terrific progress so far. I started reading Beck as well and made it to about Day 4 and stopped for some reason. I can see how it will be really helpful and am really looking forward to doing it along with Prior Fat Girl.

    I'm also lookking forward to following your continued success.
