Sep 15, 2009

Just everyday stuff.

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great day.

Mine was ….so – so. I was very busy at work, but not interesting/challenging busy, just busywork busy, ya know? I felt totally unproductive and unmotivated but I kept plugging away because the work had to be done.

Sort of luckily, I had to leave early for a dental appt. I have my permanent bridge for my front teeth now. It looks only *slightly* better than the temporary plastic one I had.  To be truthful, I hate it. It makes my mouth look huge. I never minded smiling when I had my natural teeth even though they were crooked but now – I don’t know – I look in the mirror and it just looks horrible.

The dentist says I will get used it and that it looks natural. Natural for a horse maybe (no offense to horses!) but not a person.

And it was so expensive! I wasn’t expecting a movie star smile….just to look “normal”.

Eating wise I did ok. We did go to Wendy’s for lunch (because although I packed my lunch and snacks, it seems TAKING them with me is a new challenge I have to overcome) but I had a small chili and a baked potato and the points weren’t much more than I would have had for my regular lunch and snacks and since the lunch was more than I normally eat, I didn’t need the snacks, so it all worked out. My lovely coworker, Ross, bought me another toasted coconut donut today and I succumbed. I’m going to have to ask him not to buy them for me. I know I can NOT eat it when he gives it to me…but really, I can’t – you know? So…I will just ask him to get me a tea instead. I love Tim’s steeped tea.

Dinner tonight was egg on an Arnold’s sandwich thin and I’m pretty much wiped for tonight.  I missed Top Chef last night and I’m a bit disappointed, but it will be on next week and one episode is much like the next. Tonight Hell’s Kitchen is on, but I’m not in the mood for “over the top” Gordon.

I don’t have to pack my lunch and snacks for tomorrow as I will just take (I hope) today’s and then just have a shake for breakfast again.  

Anyway, like yesterday I am just chugging along, literally taking one day at a time.


  1. Out of curiosity, where did you find the Arnold sandwich thins? And are they the kind that work out to only 1pt? I've looked everywhere but I can only find Dempsters (i think?) and a no name brand, and both are 3pts.

  2. Sounds like you did great considering you forgot your lunch. One day at a time is the best way to do it. Anything else is simply overwhelming.

    Keep it up!
